Wednesday, June 15, 2011

He just gets me...

Some husbands buy flowers or jewelry for their wives.

And that is sweet...


Flowers and jewelry don't make my lil' heart go pitter patter.

Corey knows me so well...

That when he decided to buy me a "just because"...

He knew exactly what to get.

Can you guess what he bought me?

Aren't they the cutest birds ever?

Don't ya just lurve the way their beaks are making a little heart.

Please ignore the milk spill splats on the cabinet behind them.

Because I am.
For the chicken snobs among us...

These are Black Copper Maran chickens from a french bloodline.

They are probably worth more then my kids.

Kidding people.

if they are worth me please

One rooster (the new sire of our flock) and three hens.

Just because...

I am one lucky lady.

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