Saturday, August 28, 2010

Goodbye summer...sniff...sniff...

I sure do love summer.

I love the kids being out of school.

No schedules.

No homework.

Sunny, warm days.


Sadly, our summer has come to an end.

In our little part of the world, schools do not start up again until after Labor Day.

For some reason, our school has decided to buck the trend and start early.

Yes, I'm whining.

I would love to have just another month week.

I took the summer off for a change.

No swim team.

No swim lessons.

No schedules.

It was perfect and just what I needed after the brutal schedule of the last school year.

We still did activities, traveled and had fun with the kids.

On our own schedule.

I loved it.

I'm now well rested.

Which is a good thing as I'm facing another school year.

Eight kids in four different schools.

Six different sports teams.

Bring it on.

Corey is such a good dad, a hard worker and a very attentive husband.

I feel very lucky.

He really knows me and he still loves me.

Not many people can say that. Ha!

He took the kids swimming a couple times this summer.

He is a modest guy hence all the clothes in the pool.

He was worried about keeping an eye on all the "littles" in the pool by himself.

I would have helped him but that would have required me to wear a swimsuit.

Matthew, who is six, assured his dad that he could help with the littles because "he is six and almost a teenager."

Heaven help us.

Goodbye summer.

Our dear friend.

We will miss you.


Jensamom23 said...

We are about to begin out THIRD week of school and I am still whining about summer being over! Sounds like your summer was wonderful!

Cheap&Sweet: Life on the scales said...

Oh you have a great husband to do all that and help you out! Not bad on the eyes either kinda hot actually. I love my husband but we have 2 and he does the best he can but id love for him to take our kids somewhere without me for once.