Here's the scoop regarding my local Goodwill.
They push heavily around here for donations.
They advertise over the speakers while you are in the store how they keep tons of items from going to the landfills.
They are constantly overstocked with donations.
So...they throw the donations away.
In an unlocked, wide-open dumpster.
In an alley with public access.
But they don't allow anyone to get the donations out and take them away.
They won't even sell them for less then ticked value before throwing them in the dumpster.
And they have asked the police to issue citations to anyone taking stuff from the dumpster.
Don't ask me how I know.
Now, doesn't all of that make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to anyone else?
Before getting busted by the friendly local cop, here were my dumpster finds.
An entire stack of gaming magazines.

A really nice, green and yellow beanbag that I gave away on CL.

Tons and tons of glassware.

Nordicware plates, more glassware and a dishpan.

More glassware and two boxes of disposable gloves.
I found the whole gloves thing kind of ironic.
Because I wear them when dealing with dumpster stuff.
Becky - That's an outrageous practice. Not you dumpster diving...the Goodwill throwing stuff away and NOT letting people have the stuff. Why on earth would the police issue citations? That's just so wrong! Listen, if I lived in your neck of the woods...I'd get me a good lookout and dive away! Looking forward to seeing what you make of these. :) Pam @ Sallygoodin
That is nuts to throw stuff out. I don't get it. You really have some neat stuff there! I have wanted a bowling ball forever to cover with broken mirror pieces and old broken dishes, for my garden. And those bed frames! Even if they are not used as such, they make the cutest benches! :o)
I would love a dumpster to dive in. Sorry that your days have come to a sure found some cool stuff!
Have a great day.
I never used to understand why they wouldn't allow people to DD until I worked at Michael's. It turns out that the real reason is insurance liability. Seriously. They are concerned about all the broken glass and getting sued if someone gets hurt. At one point we switched to a different kind of dumpster- one that could be locked. When I asked my manager why we were locking up the trash these days, she said that some folks had been dumpster diving and someone had gotten badly cut on some of the broken glass from the framing shop and was expecting Michael's to pay for their medical costs.
Not defending your GW for throwing everything out-- but just letting you know that is likely their reason. Fear of insurance claims.
Cool finds, though.
This just doesn't make sense. They could just have a "free" area, or even "everything $1.00" area. It's a terrible practice that just fills up the landfills. They should be ashamed.
That makes me mad. That stuff is good. At the very least they should donate it to a battered woman's shelter or some other organization. For Pete's sake! I would have bought that small turned headboard! Glad you rescued that stuff!
I am possibly as sad as you. I check your blog two to three times a week to see your diving treasures. I brag about you to people all over Southern Utah. I actually considered making you a super hero cape to wear as you save treasures from the big bad crusher at the land fill. I will sleep tonight with a heavy heart knowing the bad non profit organization had the last laugh. They probably have a camera on their precious dumpster so they can bust such criminals as yourself. Well, the Female Robin Hood is still my hero along with her band of brothers (or sons). So sad.
What a waste, just throwing that perfectly good stuff away. I never thought of looking in their dumpster but kudos to you for doing just that! I just stopped by from Jans party and am glad I did,when I first saw your header I said hey those girls are outnumbered! I am the second of 12 and our ratio was 8 boys to 4 girls. outnumbered. but it made me strong to be sure! Take Care, Theresa
What a waste, just throwing that perfectly good stuff away. I never thought of looking in their dumpster but kudos to you for doing just that! I just stopped by from Jans party and am glad I did,when I first saw your header I said hey those girls are outnumbered! I am the second of 12 and our ratio was 8 boys to 4 girls. outnumbered. but it made me strong to be sure! Take Care, Theresa
That is CRAZY! You would think there is a better solution...I know our goodwill moves the merchandise around - we have 2 local ones and I have seen this happen...but I wonder what they do with the "leftovers."
Oh no! You got busted? Time to petition the goodwill to set out a free bin for this stuff. It would save them money in the long run, be sure to mention that to them!
Trash pick up is pretty expensive. The less times they have to have it picked up the better for them.
Oh my heck, I am cracking up!! Did you get a citation???? LOL LOL LOL
This is just as bad as my asking the produce guys at the two supermarkets in town if I can have some greens for my rabbit...instead of them throwing the stuff away.
Nope, no can do, it's policy. Stupid policy but policy. Getting sued because you cut yourself DD? The same rational is that if my rabbit gets sick, I will sue them. What is terribly wrong with this picture?
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