I'm not an expert, by far.
And "by far" I mean like from here to Pluto.
Just sayin...
So, here are the pix of the porch belonging to an amateur, a wanna be, a copy cat...etc...
I found the cutest tool box at GW.
Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't say "cutest" when referring to the tool box.
It was manly, rugged and hardworking.
Is that better?
I wouldn't want to offend it.
Except I had Joseph cut out the middle part and I planted flowers in it.
Bah ha ha ha!
Ok, sorry.
I'll reign it in.

Here it is sitting next to the old metal lunch box that I found in the barn.
Which reminds me...
I really need to clean out the barn.
I also need to paint the park bench too.
So, just concentrate on the pretty flowers, K?

This is one of those cool lightweight flower pots that won't break but look like they could if they were real.
Did you follow all that?
Anyway, I picked this one up at GW because the burgundy paint was flaking off of it.
I sanded it down and repainted it.
Unfortunately, in the time since I took the picture, the kids distressed the pot naturally with one of their bikes.
So, now I need to retouch it up...again.

I bought all these pots at GW too.
Believe it or not, the weathered little stool came from GW too.
Cause we all know that I never shop there.
I stalk there is more accurate.
I painted the back pot one of my fav colors, the Krylon Burgundy in a Satin finish.

I bought three of these chairs, all with the cane broken out of them.
They were about to be loaded up on the dump truck at the back of GW.
They cost me $2 for all three chairs.
What is the deal with the cane seats anyway?
All the ones that I have ever seen have been broken.
Doesn't instill much confidence in me to ever sit on one if I ever see one intact.
I brought the chairs home, sanded them down and painted them another fav color of mine, the Olive Green by Krylon.
There was at least five different coats of paint on these bad boys.
Brown, Green, White, Black and Navy Blue.
That is just crazy.
Which makes them perfect for around here.
If you look really close, you will see that the
If I told you that it was broken while someone was playing basketball in the house that would not be surprising, huh?
But what if I told you that the person playing basketball in the house was
No names
I'm surrounded by destruction here people.
Sympathy welcome.
Thanks peeps.

Much better, don't ya think?

I picked up some wooden trays for cheap at GW.
And painted them burgundy.
Charming pictures, I love how you've used such a variety of containers and furniture. My porch is starting to look a bit overrun now that all the planters are filling out, but don't think there is such a thing as too many flowers!
everything looks real pretty! I love all the containers, and the piano bench is a doll!
great work!
It's beautiful! I love your manly toolbox. And you can never have too many flowers!
Beautiful and fun! I love the chairs...great job and no such thing as too many flowers in my opinion!
I did a chair planter too...now I'm gonna have to plant flowers in one of the hubby's toolboxes..LOL Ok I've featured you come grab a button!! Thanks again!
ok you must have a much better Good Will than I do! i never find stuff like that and our Good Will is SO overpriced it's not even funny! But... I'm loving all your creativity and cleverness and the flowers look BEAUTIFUL!!!! Keep up the great work and I will be jealous over here in overpriced AZ♥
I love them...there's no such thing as having too many flowers.
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