Recently, I saw a post on "outside doors" on Rose's blog.
If you haven't' stopped by her blog Confessions of a Curbshopaholic, you really need to go check it out!
After she answered my
I called my dad, because he has two of everything, and asked him if he had a door with an opening at the top.
And...of course he did.
The door is one that came out of the primary school where I attended grades 2 & 3.
How fun is that?
May I present to you...
The door to classroom number 5?
Many a kid went through this door.
Just hoping that mine won't try it.
Thanks Rose for the inspiration!
Thanks Dad for the door!
And thanks Corey for putting it all together for me!

I am in LOVE! I want a door like so much -- it's perfect. Seriously liking the tipsy pots. Where'd you see those? Have a great tutorial link to pass along ...?
Wow! That is so stunning! Look at you go!
I love Rose! she's my hero! Way to go, I love your door and your tipsy pot!
Nice door, but those tipsy pots... you HAVE to share the how-to`s for that project! I NEED them in my yard, because those are just screaming for herbs to be planted in for me! Pleeeeeeease share! :o)
Loverly! Very welcoming
The door and pots look so good in your front yard! I too, would like to know how you did the stacking pots.
I love your door! Now I have to get numbers for mine, nice touch there.
I was so surprised to read my name in your post, thanks for the shout out! :)
For your readers looking for the tipsy pot tutorial, here is a good tutorial link.
So very cute!!!
I came over from Rose's blog and love yours. The door and tipsy pots are so cool.
Midnight Rambler's comment about planting herbs in the tipsy pots is a great one. Perfect for just outside a kitchen door.
I LOVE this!
I really like that door. It has character. Lezlee
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