I just haven't always been so keen on the price of them.
Plus the big, chunky, plastic hooks just don't really do much for me.
I'm going to change subjects here for a minute.
Just warning you so I don't give you whiplash.
Ya know how at home when someone drops something on the floor...
And they don't pick it up?
It drives me batty.
Sometimes, I just leave it there.
Just to see how long it takes someone...anyone...to notice and actually pick it up.
That usually ends with me not being able to stand it any longer and just picking it up myself.
Which just irritates me.
What does that have to do with hanging baskets?
Near one of the soccer fields that my son frequents is a vehicle turn out.
In this turnout sat a turkey roaster pan.
Each and every time I drove by, I would notice the roaster.
And, just like at home, I wondered why no one picked it up.
I would kind of grumble and roll my eyes every time I drove past it.
Just cuz I could.
Then, one day, as I was brainstorming about hanging baskets...
It totally hit me.
I'm sure that if you were close by, you would have witnessed the little light bulb appear over my head.
Why couldn't I use turkey roasters and make my own hanging baskets?
Then, I remembered the turkey roaster at the side of the road.
And desperately hoped that no one had picked it up yet.
See the double standard here?
So, I raced over there and picked it up.
Now, before I tell you the next part, I just need to clarify something.
Lest you throw up a little bit in your mouth.
Or, a lot in the garbage can next to your desk.
Cuz, it is that gross.
I neverneverever planned on using the turkey roaster for food.
As in the kind that would go in my mouth.
So...as I lifted the turkey roaster up off the ground I discovered the remains of an ENTIRE turkey underneath.
How do I know that it was a turkey?
I don't.
But if it was anything else...
I don't want to know.
So...I'm going with the turkey theory.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
So, even though I now felt so disgusted that I needed to go take a shower, I went home and washed out my turkey roaster.
Corey drilled some holes in it for me. Some for drainage and some to hang it up with.
I purchased the S hooks and metal hangers at the local hardware store.
We already had the chain laying around, left over from a job that Corey did.
Here is the turkey roaster, aka hanging basket, waiting to be filled and hung.

I managed to pick up several more at garage sales and Goodwill.

Don't they look so cute?

I even hung one up in my door out in the yard.

It was much cheaper then buying a ready made basket.

Plus it was fun too.
Except for the turkey part.
That wasn't fun.
Just sayin...
Linking up to these great parties
Those turned out so cute, and I think everyone can relate to the watching something sit on the floor while waiting to see WHO will pick it up and WHEN... my theory is that once something hits the floor it becomes invisible to everybody else's eyes... I love how you turned something icky (and annoying) into very cute that I'm sure others will want to replicate :)
Goodness, that is brilliant! The turkey roaster looks so attractive as a hanging basket....thanks for sharing such an inspiring project. Pam @ Sallygoodin
Your hanging baskets look great. I love the look of graniteware and will be on the lookout now for an old roaster. Sure hope the turkey isn't still in it, though. LOL
Love it! Love the story too. I tend to pass by things on the road and say, "I don't need that." Then I spend the next six hours thinking of reasons why I might need it. When I go back, the item is more often than not- gone. At least with the turkey there- it was a pretty safe bet nobody was going to snag that pan! LOL. My question is- who tosses a whole turkey??
Your baskets look great. I just wanted to let you know, you don't really need an industrial machine to upholster. I have be doing this for about 3 years and I use my 1970's Elna (I just go a new paff but I didn't want to accidentally ruin it). If you decide to start an upholstery project let me know and I would love to come give you a few pointers.
I love this idea and how they turned out!
OMG this is way too cute!! Love that idea your very creative. Happy Sunday!
Just cutie
Love them! :o)
too cute!
Your story was hysterical, especially the turkey carcass (or whatever it was).
Love the new use you came up with, so chic.
And I am sure someone, somewhere is thanking you for picking up that nasty (although seemingly invisible) mess.
I've been wondering what to do with the big black roaster I got!
Beautiful idea, and they look lovely hosting plants!
Oh how cute! I love how you were able to create something so adorable out of something so "basic." I have one of those that I never use. :o) Hmm... maybe it's time it holds a few flowers! :o)
Have a nice day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia
I love this idea and would NEVER have thought of it myself! I'm going to be on the lookout for some roasters! Bonus: your story made me laugh. Following from Make the World Cuter. :)
You crack me up! Love those those turkey roaster baskets. They are too cute!
Awesome idea!!
Great idea! I am going to have to try this. But I think I will get mine at yard sales:)
I love your hanging baskets. Very clever.
Wow I love it. So creative!
I am hosting a giveaway and would love it if you checked it out!
Laura @ along for the ride
Sweet idea. They are fairly common at yardsales....I will not pass the next one up.
i'll never look at a turkey roaster the same again!! awesome idea!!
Oh my how fabulous. What a great idea. I love it. Also loved the story. Who leaves a turkey on the side of the road, I mean a cooked turkey...really! Thanks for sharing for the party. Hope that you have a chance to stop by and visit. Thanks.
Would love it if you would join me for my 2nd linky party tonight!!
I love the turkey roaster planter! It's a super trash to treasure project.
from www.TrashToTreasureDecorating.com
...dropping by from Reinvented. Love the remake of the turkey roaster! So cute!
wow do you ever have a strong stomach and are way more determined than I am! I would have seen the turkey and put the pot back on and gave up on the idea of using that pan. Now for your idea... uber creative! I love repurposing so much and this was definitely thinking outside the box! Love it, Theresa
Good for you -- and they look gosh darn great, too! And I'm thinking they'll work for the lobster pots that are in every yard sale here on the Cape, too!
Big "wave" from Old Cape Cod,
Jude at
dolcecapecod dot blogspot. com
Visiting from Reinvented
So genius! Love it love it love it!
My goodness - I love these! What a clever and creative idea! Simply fabulous! Stopping by from Just a Girl. Hope you are having a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
I use turkey roasters as planters, too. They are usually cheap at thrift stores and I've gotten some free, but never thought of them as a hanging planter, so thanks for the tip. Lezlee
That's such a great idea!
Sorry you had to go through the ordeal of the turkey remains...eeew!
I wonder what other kinds of pots, etc you could use for hanging baskets.
Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE the turkey roaster idea. VERY creative!!!
Hi! I found your blog off of Today's Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so talented! I just signed up to be your 189th follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at www.modernfamilymagazine.com
This is such an awesome idea! I just need to get my hands on some hanging basket brackets and I'll be able to make my patio look as good as yours! :)
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